Flagsmith Elixir SDK
This library can be used with server-side Elixir projects. The source code for the client is available on Github.
Includes functions and types wrapping the API functionality, schemas and responses.
Add to your mix.exs
github only while developing
def deps do
{:flagsmith_elixir_sdk, "~> 0.1"}
You can configure the SDK per environment using a static default config, for instance in your config/config.exs
config :flagsmith_elixir_sdk, :sdk,
environment_key: "YOUR-ENV-KEY"
You can also configure the base url path to use in case you're not using the public API:
config :flagsmith_elixir_sdk, :sdk,
environment_key: "YOUR-ENV-KEY",
base_url: "YOUR-BASE-URL"
For runtime configuration you can create a client struct manually and pass it as the first argument to whatever SDK function you want to call:
{:ok, sdk_client} = Flagsmith.SDK.new("YOUR-ENV-KEY")
### sample response ###
{:ok, [
enabled: false,
environment: 11278,
feature: %Flagsmith.API.Feature{
created_date: ~U[2021-10-24 13:40:02Z],
default_enabled: false,
description: "Header Size",
id: 13534,
initial_value: "24px",
name: "header_size",
feature_segment: nil,
feature_state_value: "24px",
id: 72267,
identity: nil
enabled: false,
environment: 11278,
feature: %Flagsmith.API.Feature{
created_date: ~U[2021-10-24 13:41:35Z],
default_enabled: false,
description: nil,
id: 13535,
initial_value: "18px",
name: "body_size",
type: "STANDARD"
feature_segment: nil,
feature_state_value: "18px",
id: 72269,
identity: nil
accepts the base url as the second argument.
HTTP Client
Underneath the SDK uses Tesla, so you can customise which adapter you want to use.
Refer to Tesla
's documentation for additional context.
The default HTTP adapter is Erlang's httpc
, to use instead, for instance, hackney
, and the same for any other of the
supported clients, add to your deps the correct dependency:
defp deps do
# ...
{:hackney, "~> 1.17"}
and to your config/config.exs
the adapter module
config :tesla, adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Hackney